About Us


The Democratic Party of Oneida County promotes people for public office who help families enjoy the great life in Oneida County. Wisconsin Democrats work for good jobs with pay and benefits that sustain families, great public schools that prepare our kids for bright futures, and public policies that give every citizen a fair shot at life, liberty, and happiness. Democrats value fairness and believe that everyone should have a chance in the Land of Opportunity. Democrats value the clean air and the clean water that make the Wisconsin Northwoods such a great place to live.

Our County Party meets regularly on the third Tuesday of every month. Monthly meetings usually start at 6:00 p.m. and are held at our headquarters located at 1415 Eagle Street in Rhinelander. Please check our Calendar for exact times. Everyone is welcome and we look forward to meeting you!

Details about meetings are distributed through our email list; to be added to our list visit our "Contact Us" page.

We have two Facebook pages:

Democratic Party of Oneida County Wisconsin Page

This is the official page of the county party. Only administrators and moderators can post. Emphasis is placed on announcements of events, photos of party activities, links to relevant news articles, promotion of Democratic candidates and policies, an articulation of our values, and exposés about the Republican Party. 

Democratic Party of Oneida County Wisconsin Discussion Group

This is a group discussion site for approved members. Once a member has been approved, they may create posts. Emphasis is placed on lively, respectful discussion, including differing viewpoints. Our goals are to increase our understanding, build community, and strengthen the Democratic Party. 


  • Chairperson - John Langeland
  • First Vice Chair - Merlin Van Buren
  • Secretary - Jackie Cody
  • Treasurer - Mary Roth Burns
  • Second Vice Chair - Keith McCaffery


Residents of Oneida County who join the Democratic Party of Wisconsin are automatically members of the Democratic Party of Oneida County. There are no additional dues for the County Party.

Annual membership dues are :
  • $10/year - Students, Seniors, or Limited Income
  • $25/year - Individuals
  • $35/yr - Pairs
Click here to join or renew your membership (via Democratic Party of WI).

Financial Contributions:

Contributions above and beyond your annual dues help strengthen our efforts to:
  • Recruit & support progressive candidates for local and state office
  • Reach out to Oneida County voters through messaging on local issues
  • Register & turn-out voters
  • Get more people engaged in the democratic process
  • Promote progressive values throughout Oneida County.

Contributions can also be mailed here:

Democratic Party of Oneida County
1415 Eagle Street
Rhinelander, WI 54501

Phone: 715 420-0457